Email Marketing

Inspire. Magnetic. Memorable.

Power your email marketing and keep in touch with each segment of your list with email copywriting by Charisma Communications.

It is essential for every business to have a list of clients and customers to engage with. Not being spammy with your email marketing is a craft and one that we do well. Newsletters are a cornerstone of marketing and are an essential part staying top of mind - converting loyal, paying customers along the way.  

Your newsletters will be tailored to engage your target audience with informative and engaging content that is geared at driving traffic back to your website.  

Despite the popularity of social media, email marketing still remains one of the most essential components of a successful content marketing strategy.  

Reach Your Customers Effectively

The key behind email marketing is to keep your customers engaged with your brand. Here’s what you can expect from Charisma’s email marketing services:

  • Fresh, engaging, and original content
  • Long-lasting customer relationships
  • Brand growth
  • Boost quality traffic to your website
  • Strengthen customer relationships

Keep in touch with current and prospective customers with our affordable email newsletter marketing service. Book now!


Client retention rate

* 2021

Managed campaigns since 2016

2 States

You’ll find us in FL & CA*

* More coming soon

Meet the experts

Corin Tomasello
Chief Experience Officer
Christina Carson
Megan Richards
Marketing Coordinator
Taran Matson
Growth Coordinator
Madi Riley
Marketing Assistant

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