Unlike other Tampa marketing firms, Corin Tomasello blends sales, service, and marketing for small to mid-size businesses to make the most of your customer experience. Charisma Communications looks at your goals to make sure the tactics used match your marketing needs.
We provide hourly marketing support from $110/hour. If you are a professional networking partner, you may receive a discounted hourly rate. Please contact our Tampa marketing firm to learn more!
Of course, see some of Charisma Communications’ favorite recent work from Corin Harmon and our team here!
Corin Harmon, the owner of Charisma Communications, was nicknamed ‘Corisma’ by her sorority sisters for making friends so quickly. When creating her advocate marketing firm in Tampa, she could think of no better name than Charisma!
Contact us to book your free executive overview. You’ll meet with Tampa marketing expert, Corin Tomasello, in person or over the phone!