Libertas Massage TherapyIndustry
Massage TherapyWebsite
Libertas Massage is owned and operated by Steven Faulkner, a Marine Corps Veteran born and raised in Florida. He found his passion as a massage therapist after having his own injury treated with massage therapy and nearing 100% recovery after consistent and targeted treatments within a year.
We’ve worked with Steven before while he was operating as “SF Active Bodyworks”. He decided it was time for a rebrand and trusted us to make it happen!
The Name:
He chose the name Libertas as it is the Latin word for Liberty and felt it was a great representation of his brand and values.

The Logo:
The previous logo was a little difficult to incorporate into photos for branding due to its intricacy, size, and format. So, it was important to create a logo that could be easily recognizable and work well on branding materials including social media.

The Website:
We extended the new branding to the website with the new domain name, logos, and references to the business name.