Feeling Frustrated? 4 MORE Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working (Yet.)

Feeling Frustrated? 4 MORE Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working (Yet.)
Christina Carson
Recently, we shared the top reasons why your marketing campaigns aren’t working, but there are more bases to cover! Here, we’ve got 4 (*more) reasons why. And tell what you can do about it.


Marketing often requires some trial and error, and like any experiment, it doesn’t always work. The good news is your previous efforts are far from useless. Rather, they help you hone in on your strategy moving forward by eliminating what doesn’t work. After all, focus and consistency are critical for achieving your overall vision.  

If messy user experience (UX), confusing messages, or weak CTAs aren’t your problem, here are other possibilities:

1. Your Marketing Doesn’t Grab Attention

In the age of scrolling, capturing people’s attention often comes at a cost. To set yourself apart from your competitors, you must stand out. How are people supposed to see the value in your products or services if they don’t even know they exist?

Nearly every industry is “oversaturated” these days with seemingly every business working to build an online presence. This means if you don’t jump on the latest trends and use the various platforms to your advantage, you’ll quickly fall behind.

Research other businesses in your field and take note of the “standard” branding tropes. Figure out where it makes sense for you to break the status quo so you can stand apart from the rest.  

2. Your Marketing Stands Out... In a Bad Way

We know we know... we just said to stand out! Ever heard the phrase “too much of a good thing?” Sometimes, your marketing could stand out in a bad way.  

Although this rarely works in a business's favor, it’s seldom sustainable and may get you the wrong kind of attention. You want users sharing your video because they like your content- not because the internet is collectively making fun of you.

Strategies to avoid:

  • Text walls that are difficult to read – if you need to share a lot of information, be sure to break it up into bite-sized chunks (Like these bullet points here.)
  • Cluttered design – just because you know how to use every Canva feature does not mean you should.
  • Outdated photography – if you’re still using headshots from 2015, it’s time to upgrade that imagery! It’s best to have branding photoshoots at least once a year if not more if you’re in the trades.
  • Stock images only – the only thing worse than outdated photography is a stock image-only website - people want to see your face and your work
  • Weird or inconsistent branding – keep your fonts, colors, logos consistent – it all matters and makes an impression on your clientele

3. You Are Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

While you shouldn’t spread yourself too thin, don’t rely on just one channel to build your community. Marketing takes an integrated approach. Trust us, each channel has strengths and weaknesses, you should take advantage of how your various streams can contribute to your overall “ecosystem.”  

Diversifying your channels helps to meet your potential clients wherever they are. Build authentic connections with your customer base through your email marketing or text messages while drawing in new clients by boosting your Reels. Think about the audience of a specific channel. Is your target market spending their time there? Think: TikTok to reach Gen Z vs. Facebook for a Millennial demographic.

Get creative, and don’t close yourself off to trying new platforms or media types!

4. Your Expectations Are Unrealistic

Perhaps the most frustrating reason of all is that your expectations simply just aren’t realistic. Marketing a business doesn’t come with a user manual. It’s a constant game that sometimes calls for a gamble, but generally, progress will come with focused consistency.  

Most ‘overnight’ success stories are years in the making. You just didn’t see the behind-the-scenes of the process. The reality is sustainable growth takes time. Be patient with yourself and your business! If you stay dedicated, the results will come!  

Great Marketing (and NEW Clients) Awaits

We know not seeing the results you want *yesterday can be frustrating. In most cases, thanks to online insights we can identify the reason why you aren’t seeing progress quite yet!  

When it comes to any business endeavor, we urge you to keep going. We often only see the glamorous results of businesses that have gone through years of getting back up after failure after failure.  

You don't have to boost your marketing game alone. Sometimes, it calls for Charisma! Schedule your consultation to find out how we can help!