5 Must-Haves for an Optimized Homepage

5 Must-Haves for an Optimized Homepage
Corin Tomasello

Your homepage serves as your company's first impression to potential clients or customers. It reflects your identity, your product offerings, and the vibe of your business.

It is your first (and possibly only) chance to capture their attention, build trust and credibility, and ultimately lead them to buy your product or service. SEO nerd moment: it’s likely 85+% of your traffic that comes to your online door.

With careful planning and design, you can create an epic homepage that will drive new customers directly to you.   Our marketing experts at Charisma Communications discuss the top five things that you can do to create an effective homepage that converts.  

  1. Craft an Enticing Headline
  2. Communicate the Benefits (quickly)
  3. Incorporate Clear Call-to-Actions
  4. Have it Well-Designed (hard to use=easy to lose)
  5. Make it Easy to Stay Connected

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Craft an Enticing Headline

The headline on your webpage should always be larger than the surrounding type and describe what you do and why it is advantageous to the reader. You want to pique their interest so they keep reading your page.

On our homepage, we use large text to catch our audience's attention, then a smaller font to illustrate how we can help them. Don’t forget about a call-to-action button to get them to the next step!

Communicate the Benefits

Why should someone choose you over all the other people who do what you do?  Start with your why. Then, give in-depth detail about who you are and what problem you are solving for your prospective customer or reader. You should save more of your “story” for your about page, but this is a great place to talk about how you stand out from the competition.  

You also can highlight testimonials and reviews from previous customers to further impart the benefits of your product or service to your visitors.   Your homepage should be filled with information that will help you gain the trust of your visitors, excite them about your products, and encourage them to hit the "Buy" button.

Create a Call to Action

When someone visits your website, you want to make it clear and easy for them to move from one page of your site to the next. Create a specific, well-defined call to action for your visitors to take once they arrive at and look around your homepage.   Your call to action could be something as simple as signing up for your newsletter, requesting a consultation, or a link to free content that you have created for your target market.    Increase conversions: Action-Worthy Calls-To-Action

Design an Impactful Homepage

A cohesive, well-designed homepage is crucial to building trust and credibility with your target audience. Your website won't maintain visitors' interest if the design is poor, regardless of how well the copy or call to action are written. They will bounce to the next website!  

To keep visitors engaged, create a balance of compelling imagery and just enough type to get your point across. Having some white space is fine! You also will want to ensure that your entire site is responsive on all devices, especially your homepage.  

Designing a quality homepage is a great first step toward connecting with your audience, building trust, and leading them to your sales funnel. Need help with your homepage? Call Charisma!

Make it Easy to Stay Connected

Many people don’t make a decision right on the spot. You’ll want to stay top-of-mind with prospects so you can use your connection with them to keep them in your pipeline.

Over time, this clearly will have you converting like crazy!  Keep in mind that you should let your target audience know where they can connect and engage with you once your homepage has drawn their attention and directed them to your call to action.

Include links to all your social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linked In, and make it easy to find your newsletter opt-in. This makes it easy for prospective clients and customers to connect and interact with your brand, and for you to build trust and credibility.  

Communicate with Charisma

Is your homepage or website lackluster and failing to capture your target market’s attention? Start by checking your Analytics to see how many visitors start there and how many of them leave right away. You need a stellar first impression on your homepage.  

Foster true brand advocates from the first click. If it’s been more than 2-3 years since you revisited your website, then the time is now! We amplify website pages that illustrate your benefits and credibility in your field.   Ready to revamp your brand and optimize your website? Schedule a consultation or call Charisma today!