The Worst Website Design Advice We've Heard

The Worst Website Design Advice We've Heard
Corin Tomasello

In the intricate world of website design, a solid plan is essential. A well-designed site is a finely tuned machine, each part working harmoniously to guide visitors toward a specific goal, whether making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you for services.  

However, not all advice in this field is created equal. For every valuable nugget of wisdom, there's an equal amount of, let's say, less-than-stellar guidance floating around. It's high time we bust some myths and shine a light on some of the worst website design advice we've ever heard.


The More the Merrier: Overloading with Features

The idea that loading a website with flashy features and countless options will enhance user experience couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it can often lead to a cluttered design, slow load time, and a frustrated user who can't find what they're looking for. So, they bounce. (It’s not a 90s reference - it’s your bounce rate and it’s KEY for online growth/rankings.)

Remember, simplicity is key. Yes, your website should look cool, but it should work well too. Users should be able to navigate your site effortlessly and find what they need without being overwhelmed by superfluous extras.

Prioritizing aesthetics over usability can land you in a world of trouble. Users visit your website with a goal in mind. If your site is more about style than functionality, they'll quickly jump ship.

Size Doesn't Matter: Ignoring Responsive Design

Some people believe that mobile optimization isn't necessary as long as your website looks good on a desktop. This is a dangerous myth. If you haven’t updated your site in a long time, there’s a good chance it’s not very mobile-friendly.  

With over half of global internet traffic coming from mobile devices, responsive design isn't optional - it's essential.

Ignoring mobile users means you're potentially excluding more than half of your audience.  

Your website must be able to adapt to all screen sizes and devices seamlessly.

Why is Mobile Optimization so Important? > Read our Guide!

Build It and They Will Come: Neglecting SEO

Building a stunning website isn't enough; you also need visitors. Some believe that SEO isn't necessary and that an excellent product or service is enough to attract traffic. Unfortunately, in today's saturated digital space, that's simply not true.

SEO is crucial in driving traffic to your site. Keywords, metadata, and high-quality content all play a role in helping your site rank higher in search engine results.

Get our Guide to Great SEO > Read Now!

Set It and Forget It: Ignoring Regular Updates

Websites are not a "set it and forget it" proposition. Regular updates, both for content and technical features, are essential to keep your site fresh, relevant, and secure.

Whether adding new blog posts, updating product information, or addressing security vulnerabilities, regular maintenance should be a part of your website management routine.

Why Is a Strong Blog SO Important? > We’ve got a blog for that!

The Never-Ending Story: Extremely Long Pages

While it's great to provide users with plenty of information, pages that seem to scroll forever can be daunting and off-putting. Your visitors want to find information quickly and easily, and forcing them to wade through a sea of text can lead to frustration. And, ultimately, people buy from places & people they like.  

Make it a good experience. Break up your content into manageable chunks and consider implementing "back to top" links to improve navigation on longer pages.

Overloading With Text: The Balance of Information

Good website design isn't just about what you say; it's also about how you present it. Some people insist on packing as much information as possible into a single page. However, a wall of text can be intimidating to visitors, making it hard for them to absorb the information.

Instead, separate your content down into smaller, digestible sections, using headers and bullet points where appropriate. This makes your content more readable and allows your visitors to take in information at their own pace.

Our Overall Advice

Your website is more than an online business card. It’s the hub of your brand. Service your customer and make them comfortable, or lose out out on new leads & referrals (a lot).