NetWORKing: Our Guide to Successful Elevator Pitching

NetWORKing: Our Guide to Successful Elevator Pitching
Corin Tomasello

Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to scale, a professional advancing your career, or simply someone who wants to articulate their ideas effectively at a networking meeting, mastering the art of a compelling elevator pitch can open doors to new opportunities.

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you can use to spark interest in what you're doing or offering. You have approximately 30 seconds to one minute - the hypothetical duration of an elevator ride.

We do a lot of networking around here, so our team at Charisma Communications have put this guide together to provide you with invaluable networking tips.

Our elevator pitch is simple: We increase recognition, referrals, and trust for brands in growth mode!

Let’s optimize your elevator pitch:

A Compelling Elevator Pitch

An impactful pitch neither starts nor ends with your verbal presentation. The impression you make solely rests on how well you can captivate your audience in a concise yet effective manner.  

The foundations of a great elevator pitch include:

#1. The Kernel Idea: The primary intent of your elevator pitch should be crystal clear. Keep it simple, compelling, and direct.  

#2. Identification of the Audience: It's crucial to understand the person or group you're talking to. An effective pitch addresses the audience's needs, wants, or problems.  

#3. Economy of Words: In the fast-paced world of business, every second counts. Use words judiciously and ensure they punch the maximum impact in the minimum time.  

#4. Delivery Style: Always maintain eye contact and a pleasant but formal tone. Confidence attracts confidence, so make sure yours is infectious.  

#5. Compelling Close: Every pitch should close with a specific request. Whether you're asking for their business card, a meeting, or a referral, make it explicit.  

Remember, the end goal is to move the conversation forward. And pass the ‘eyebrow test’ of oh, that’s interesting and I MUST know more! That’s when you can convince people to take action.

Speaking of action: This is where BNI Genesis comes in! We are an online networking group with over 30 members. We aim to foster relationships that promote mutual business growth. We are very excited to welcome YOU to our chapter where you can practice your pitch! (Okay, back to the networking tips...)

Leave a Lasting Impression

Getting your foot in the door is the first step, but leaving a lasting impression ensures that the door stays open for future opportunities.  

Your elevator pitch should be just like your favorite song - catchy, memorable, and engaging. It should pique curiosity and entice further conversation.

Here are some tips for impressing your audience and making your pitch unforgettable:

Hone Your Message

Your message should be clear, succinct, and relevant. Don’t complicate things. Your elevator pitch should deliver who you are, what you’re offering, and why it matters in a few clear, impactful sentences.  

The goal is to intrigue, not to explain in detail every aspect of your business or proposition.

Make it About Them

The best pitches aren’t self-centered; instead, they tap into the needs, wants, or interests of your listeners. Remember, this is a pitch, not a monologue. To be truly effective, your pitch should address how your skills, product, or idea can benefit the listener or their business.  

Charisma Tip: Highlight the potential value-add for them. That’ll get their attention!

Be Enthusiastic and Authentic

Authenticity is key. Be genuine. Show enthusiasm for your idea, product, or services. An elevator pitch delivered with sincerity and authentic excitement can be infectious.  

A big part of leaving an impression is also about how you physically present yourself. You know the phrase, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression?" Personal presentation is part of that.  

Stand tall, make eye contact, and smile - these simple actions can have a significant impact on your success!

Common Networking Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your perfect elevator pitch, avoiding some common pitfalls will work wonders in conveying your message:  

  • Talking too much
  • Failing to engage with the other person
  • Lacking specificity
  • Ignoring your audience
  • Forgetting a call to action

Tailoring Your Elevator Pitch for Different Audiences

Not every audience is the same, and this has a direct impact on your elevator pitch.  

Successful pitching requires tailoring and fine-tuning according to the listener's interests, needs, and background.

Remember to consider:

  • The audience's knowledge level
  • Your connection with the audience
  • The audience's professional role

Understand their context, put yourself in their shoes, and adjust your pitch to make it more relatable and appealing. That's how you ‘hook’ them!  

The Role of Confidence

Confidence plays a crucial role in delivering an effective elevator pitch. In this aspect, confidence is your ability to communicate your ideas compellingly without showing signs of nervousness or uncertainty.  

So, how can you convey confidence in your elevator pitch?

Start with Your Why

Your ‘why’ or emotionally charged connection will ultimately guide your elevator pitch and make you feel most comfortable when sharing it.  

Practice, Practice, Practice

It often comes with practice. Start by rehearsing regularly. Get comfortable with the words, phrases, and transitions. The more comfortable and familiar you are, the more confidently you can deliver it.  

Slow Down

Excitement or nerves can make us speak faster. This might make your message hard to understand – not what you want when you’re networking.  

So, slow down. It shows you're confident and in control. Also, it ensures your audience can follow along and understand your points.  

Body Language

Your body language says a lot about your level of confidence. Maintain eye contact, stand tall, and use open body language.  

Be Passionate

Your passion for your idea, product, or service can fuel your confidence. If you're enthusiastic about what you're pitching, it is likely to show in your voice, expressions, and overall demeanor, making your elevator pitch more convincing.

Making Networking Work for You

When you want networking to work, you need to have a great elevator pitch. This will help you confidently navigate networking events and future business opportunities.  

If you are interested in hearing more and focusing on your networking this year, reach out to our networking and local marketing gurus here at Charisma Communications. We look forward to connecting with you!