Build Your Brand: Creating Content on the Job

Build Your Brand: Creating Content on the Job
Taran Matson

The reality for many businesses, regardless of industry, is that the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day can be utterly consuming. For plumbers, it’s the leaky pipes and installations; for lawyers, it's cases and client consultations, and even cashiers manage a steady stream of customers, sales, and inventory.  

However, what if the regular 9-5 grind could serve a dual purpose—addressing your everyday tasks while simultaneously promoting your brand? A plumber’s routine calls or a cashier’s interaction with customers might just be the relatable content someone out there wants to see! (Don’t judge me when I’m watching toilet installs on my break!)

Today our content pros explain the value of sharing your day-to-day, and how you can make it an easy habit, not a second job.

Your Daily Tasks Are Content Goldmines

Unveiling the curtain and providing a glimpse into the inner workings of your everyday tasks can forge a deep, relatable connection with your audience. Believe it or not, what might seem mundane to you can be fascinating to outsiders. It’s not just about showcasing the polished, final product or end result, but rather sharing the journey and process it takes to get there. Let's consider a few benefits:

  • Relatability: Showcasing the realities of your job can create an empathetic connection with viewers.
  • Transparency: Sharing day-to-day operations fosters trust by revealing the authenticity behind your brand.
  • Human Connection: Displaying the faces and efforts behind a product or service humanizes your business.

Tap into The Relatability of ‘A Day in The Life’

Ever wondered why “A Day in the Life of a [Job Role]” videos on platforms like YouTube garner so many views? It’s the curiosity about and relatability of seeing someone navigate their workday, tackling challenges, and celebrating successes, big or small. It’s not merely about the exceptional days but finding interest in the typical, unembellished days that might mirror those of your audience.

For example, a bakery might post a quick time-lapse of the early morning set-up—preparing dough, arranging pastries, and the first wave of customers trickling in. A digital marketing agency, like Charisma, might share the process of brainstorming a new campaign or the steps of designing a website for a client.

Show Your Human Side > The Benefits of Humanizing Your Brand

Simple Steps to ‘Vlogging’ Your Business

Worried about the technicalities of starting a vlog for your brand? It's much simpler than you might think. Here are some easy steps to kickstart your brand's vlogging journey:

  • Use What You Have: Don’t worry about high-end cameras; smartphones offer quality enough for starting out.
  • Be Authentic: Share the successes but also the challenges. Authenticity garners genuine connections.
  • Engage with Viewers: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and involve your audience in your journey.

Additionally, keep videos concise and to the point, ensuring they are easy to consume and share across platforms.

The Bigger Picture: Building a Community

Over time, consistently sharing content enables you to build a community around your brand. By inviting people into your day, they become part of your story, cheering for your victories and empathizing with your struggles. Not to mention, as your following grows, so does the visibility of your brand; extending its reach potentially to a global scale.

And here’s the kicker: This immense value in marketing and community building doesn’t extract a penny from your budget. It's all FREE, apart from the investment of a bit of your time and creativity.

Growing Your Brand Online? It Calls for Charisma!

Embarking on the content creation journey alone can be daunting, but remember, support is available. Charisma understands the digital landscape and how to navigate the various platforms to amplify your content's reach and impact.

Whether you need assistance in strategizing content, optimizing for SEO, or simply want guidance on best practices for digital content creation, our team is here, ready to elevate your brand to new digital heights.

Book a marketing consultation with Charisma today, and let’s turn the day-to-day of your business into compelling, relatable content that propels your brand forward!