Why Hiring a Writer is Still Essential in the Age of AI

Why Hiring a Writer is Still Essential in the Age of AI
Taran Matson

As a business, you need to create quality content to improve your website's visibility and reach your target audience. However, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has made some companies question whether they still need to hire a writer to get the same effect.  

While AI technology has certainly come a long way, there are still many reasons why hiring a writer is essential for your digital marketing efforts. The marketing experts at Charisma discuss why hiring a writer is still essential in the age of AI, a true (Hu)Man and Machine story!


Why Should You Hire a Writer in the First Place?

Content helps to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive sales. By creating valuable and informative content, brands can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, build trust with their audience, and ultimately drive more business.  

When it comes to content marketing, a writer is not just someone who can string words together. A good writer has a deep understanding of your brand, your audience, and your industry. This knowledge helps us to craft content that resonates with your audience & builds your brand's authority.  


The AI Writing Evolution

AI writing technology has come a long way in recent years. With the help of machine learning and natural language processing, bots can generate content that is coherent, grammatically correct, and even engaging. However, AI-generated content is still not perfect. (We liken it to airplanes still having a Pilot.)

It can lack the creativity, tone, and personality that only a human writer can provide. Artificial intelligence may be able to create content faster and more efficiently than a human writer, but it cannot replace the creativity and emotional intelligence that a writer brings to the table.


AI is great at generating straightforward, fact-based content, but it cannot replace the nuance and subtlety of human communication. Therefore, hiring a writer is still essential if you want to create content that is truly engaging.


(Hu)Man vs. Machine – A Quick Comparison

Now, let's settle the debate once and for all – can machines write content that's just as good as humans? To find out, we've asked a bot to describe "What is Integrated Marketing." We'll then compare its answer to how we would typically write for our clients.


Read both answers carefully, and then pick which one you'd prefer!

Blog Title: “What is Integrated Marketing?


Integrated marketing refers to a marketing approach that involves combining multiple communication channels and promotional methods to create a cohesive and unified marketing strategy. The purpose of integrated marketing is to ensure that all marketing efforts are consistent and aligned with the overall marketing objectives. Integrated marketing often involves using a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels, such as print, radio, TV, blogs, social media, email, and SEO, to reach and engage with a target audience.


Are you tired of your marketing efforts feeling disjointed and uncoordinated? It’s time to consider an integrated marketing strategy! But what exactly is integrated marketing, you ask?  

Simply put, integrated marketing means combining multiple communication channels and promotional methods into one overarching strategy. By doing so, you create a unified and consistent marketing strategy that's fully aligned with your overall marketing objectives.  

This approach may involve a mix of both traditional and digital marketing channels, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Print media
  • Social media marketing
  • Email newsletters
  • SEO improvements
  • & More!

By using a variety of channels, you can reach and engage with your target audience in a way that feels natural and impactful. When readers see the same branding, content, and quality across multiple platforms, they are much more likely to trust your brand and convert to a client!

Heard enough already? If you're ready to take your marketing game to the next level, schedule a consultation with the digital marketing pros at Charisma Communications!

So... which sample was more engaging: A or B?

If you picked “B”, you’re likely not a robot!

It's not too hard to tell which was written by AI!

A Human Touch is What Sells

The reason why a human touch is so essential in content marketing is simply that people connect with people. When a human writer creates content, they infuse it with personality, unique voice, and emotions.  

This makes the content more relatable and helps build trust and rapport with your audience. People want to do business with companies that they feel they know and trust. Hiring a writer is a crucial step in building that connection with your audience.


Tools Don't Define the Worker

It's also important to remember that tools don't define the worker. While AI writing tools can help speed up the writing process and improve efficiency, they cannot replace the skills, experience, and creativity of a human writer.  

A professional writer knows how to craft content that aligns with your brand voice, your marketing goals, and your target audience. They can also help you with content strategy, keyword research, and SEO optimization, which are all essential components of successful content marketing.


There’s no denying that AI will continue to make advances, but so far it can only take samples of what’s out there & mesh them together – with varying success. There are odd phrases, unnatural-sounding voices, and the potential for duplicate content which Google hates.  

Our thoughts: use it, but do so sparingly. It may be better served for your email campaigns, ad copy, or offline marketing like a direct mailer. Don’t just copy what a program gives you. Read it, edit it, and then read it again. AI may help you with an idea, but it will take time to craft it to feel right for your business.  

See the Quality a Professional Writer Can Bring

If you're looking for a digital marketing company that understands the value of a human touch, look no further than Charisma Communications. We have a team of experienced writers who can help you create high-quality content that resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals.

Whether you need blog posts, social media content, or email marketing campaigns, we can help you craft a message that builds trust and drives engagement. Contact us today to learn more!