The Rising Trend of "Self-Aware" Marketing

The Rising Trend of "Self-Aware" Marketing
Taran Matson

In the ever-evolving world of social media, staying ahead of the curve is critical. Lately, there's been a shift in the marketing landscape, and it's about becoming more relatable and humanizing your content.  

Especially after the chaos of 2020, transparency and authenticity have become more desired than ever. Brands are pulling back the curtain and getting candid about their own marketing processes, letting the audience in behind the scenes.

However, this doesn’t just mean taking a step back from the picture, sometimes it means turning the camera around altogether! In this article, we share what this shift could mean for your business.  

content creator filming for a product review

Embracing the Human Element in Marketing

Self-aware marketing is like having a casual chat over coffee. You know, when we take off our “official” hats and just talk, human-to-human. The magic of this approach is that it doesn't feel like marketing in the traditional sense.


Businesses are stepping out from behind their logos, and marketers are stepping out from behind their strategies. They're sharing their dilemmas, successes, and even bloopers with a laugh. We've noticed that it's doing a few fantastic things:


  • Building a bridge between the brand and its audience
  • Adding a dash of humor and a ton of relatability
  • Making conversations more casual and less like a boardroom discussion
  • Fostering trust in a whole new way

Basically, you’re truly sharing what makes you unique to draw people in. Around here, we call that branding your charisma.

Why More Personal Content is Working

Here's the thing: when a brand breaks that fourth wall and talks about its own marketing in a lighthearted way, it's... liberating. It's no longer a faceless entity trying to sell something-It's a friend talking about their day at work.


Great Read! > The Art of Storytelling on Social Media

Transparency: The Key to Authentic Connections

The beauty of 'self-aware' marketing is in its honesty. It takes guts to say, "Hey, we're not perfect," but when a brand does that, it becomes so much more real and approachable. It tells your audience that you value honesty and are confident enough to own your mistakes (should they happen).


A brand that's not afraid to share its process is a brand that's confident in its journey.


We once had a kabab, kabob, kebab situation where all are technically correct, but for our client the more ‘Americanized’ kabob was what the final email blast went out with – and the client is the one who caught it! We believe getting content marketing to hit the right note takes a team effort.  

Fostering Engagement with 'Self-Aware' Marketing

When brands goof around with their marketing efforts, they open up an entirely new level of interaction with their audience. The comments section becomes a place of lively banter, ideas, and an exchange of experiences.


When a brand's not afraid to be vulnerable, it gives the audience an opportunity to step in and engage in a way that's meaningful, fun, and downright human.


Choosing the Right Approach

Now, a word of caution. It's a delicate balance to maintain. While it's fantastic to let loose, it's crucial to remember your brand voice and the platform you're on. Too much self-deprecation can take you into dangerous territory. You've got to keep it under control and stay true to your brand.


What works on TikTok may not fly on LinkedIn, and what appeals to Gen Z and Millennials may not hit the mark with Baby Boomers. So, know your audience and choose your platforms wisely.

It’s an Art > Creating Content That Resonates

Corin of Charisma marketing

Ready to Step Up Your Marketing - It Calls for Charisma

Navigating this 'self-aware' marketing trend can be exciting but challenging. The key is to balance relatability with professionalism, and humor with sincerity. And guess what? That's our sweet spot at Charisma Communications.


We understand how to inject your brand with this refreshing 'human' element without compromising your professional brand identity. Need help crafting the perfect content for social media (and beyond)? We're here for you; let’s strategize your marketing game plan!