Why It’s Best NOT to be Perfect on Social Media

Why It’s Best NOT to be Perfect on Social Media
Corin Tomasello

When we scroll through our social media feeds, isn't it often the seemingly "perfect" posts that catch our eye? Radiant smiles, stunning locations, immaculate meals – all staged to perfection. But is that really what we should be striving for on social media?  

Have you ever felt the pressure to present an idealized version of your life online? Well, you're not alone. Here at Charisma, we're here to tell you that there's a lot of power in being real and authentic on your social channels.

a woman smiling while using her phone, sitting on a yoga mat

Let’s Keep It Real

Social media is a powerful tool that connects us with friends, family, and the world at large. It's a place where we share our lives, experiences, and thoughts.  

But amidst this sharing, there's a common misconception that everything needs to be perfect or that every photo must be flawlessly edited, every caption meticulously crafted, and every post timed just right to garner the most engagement. But is this pursuit of perfection beneficial?

Authenticity is a fresh breath of air in the often-filtered landscapes of social media. Being authentic and unapologetically yourself will draw more organic followers.

It's time we break down the misconceptions and address the benefits of showing the "real you" on social media.  

Protect Your Mental Health

The pressure to maintain a perfect image can lead to obsessive behavior, such as constantly checking and editing posts, which can be time-consuming and stressful for the creator. Not to mention, falling into the comparison trap can really start to take a toll on our mental health.  

Business is hard enough as it is – there’s little time to be in your own head constantly. In those few minutes between projects, try not to compare your brand (or life) to the highlight reels of others.  


This constant comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt which both can start to cause negative mental health issues.

Creating Genuine Connections


Embracing imperfection can be a game-changer. It allows us to connect with our followers on a more genuine, human level. It shows that we, like everyone else, have our ups and downs. It's real. It's authentic. Think of the people you follow and why you follow them.  


Perhaps you’re a first-time mom and you are drawn to other female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, good and bad, about being a working mom. You connect with them not because they are perfect but because they share life’s experiences with you.  


The perfectly curated photos and the witty captions might get you likes, but they won’t build a loyal following. Do you know why? Because perfection is intimidating. It's unattainable. It's isolating. But authenticity? That's relatable.


Being genuinely yourself invites connection, fosters trust, and, paradoxically, can make your content more effective and engaging than any meticulously staged photo or carefully crafted status update ever could.

woman filming a product review video with her phone on a tripod

Perfect Isn’t Always Better

Ultimately, it’s about finding a balance. Yes, you want your social media profiles to look good and reflect your brand or personal aesthetic. But it's equally, if not more, important to be authentic. If you are, you’ll be more approachable to your target audience, and that’s what you want if you’re a business trying to grow!


You don't need to have the perfect life, the perfect business, or the perfect post to be successful on social media. The more we embrace our imperfections and share our authentic selves on social media, the more we inspire others to do the same. And isn't that a much more positive, empowering use of these platforms?

Brand Your Charisma


Remember, people are drawn to reality. They want to stay social with you to see the good, the bad, and the in-between because it’s relatable. It creates a sense of connection and community, especially for businesses in growth mode. Social media is the ultimate highlight reel of someone’s life, but life isn’t always perfect. Your social media content doesn’t need to be perfect either.  


Here at Charisma, our social media pros are ready to help you transform your social media platforms into the brand you are inspiring to grow. Contact us today for a consultation!