The 7 Essential Habits of a Healthy Entrepreneur

The 7 Essential Habits of a Healthy Entrepreneur
Corin Tomasello

The life of an entrepreneur can be tough. From attending meetings and creating content to capturing the attention of an audience for your products and services, entrepreneurship is a busy yet fun and exhilarating ride. To be productive and successful as an entrepreneur, it’s important to prioritize your health and take some downtime, and shut off your screens.

The hustle can wait. Here are seven things that entrepreneurs can do to take charge of their business AND their health!  

#1. Learn Something New

If you are an entrepreneur, you’re likely a dreamer. You work hard and think even harder. You likely love to read, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, and try to soak up as much knowledge as you can.  Learning something new can have a direct positive impact on your business, regardless of whether it seems obviously related to your professional journey.  

Lifelong learning is the key to a successful business and an impactful life.

When you are an entrepreneur, it is important to understand the wider industry that you are in—not just your niche. Educating yourself on a broader level will help you pivot when needed and diversify your offerings.  Learning something new does not have to be related to your work though! Learn how to sew or do calligraphy; learn to speak a new language or cook gourmet meals. Allow yourself to be inspired by new experiences, challenges, and different mindsets. You never know where it will take you.

#2. Set Goals

Take your newly acquired skills to the next level and apply what you have learned to your ultimate business goals. Small actionable steps are the only way to reach your end goals, so outline your desires for your business and personal life and create an action plan to achieve them!  Here are some quick tips to set goals:

  • Define your end goal, big or small!
  • List the steps to achieve your goal.
  • Prioritize tasks and set deadlines.
  • Create milestones or mini goals along the way.
  • Identify the resources needed to reach your goal.
  • Visualize your action plan.
  • Monitor, evaluate, and update as needed.  

Have goals for your business but not sure how best to put them into action? Charisma can help! Contact us today for a marketing consultation!

Need to delegate some tasks?> It’s Time to Hire a Marketing Consultant

#3. Spend Downtime Wisely

While it’s easy to curl up on the couch with your phone to scroll endlessly through Instagram or Reddit while Netflix plays in the background, don’t be that person.  Put your phone down and spend your well-earned downtime wisely. Go for a walk, spend time playing a board game with your family, or read a book. Journaling and meditation can also be quite beneficial for your personal and business growth.  

#4. Make Exercise a Priority

After a long day at the computer, sometimes the last thing you want to do is lace up your shoes and get sweaty. However, to be as healthy as possible, you should do at least 2.5 hours or more of aerobic activity per week.  We get it- as an entrepreneur you’re crazy busy. But trust us when we say that finding 10 minutes here and there to exercise can alleviate stress, boost your mood, and fluff up your confidence. It’s worth it.  

A healthy body cultivates a healthy mind.

#5. Eat Nourishing Food

When you’re on the go as an entrepreneur, it can be easy to reach for conveniences like processed or fast food. Shift your mindset and think of your food as fuel- as a long-term investment into your body, mind, and spirit. The higher quality the fuel that you put into your tank, the better you will be able to perform as a business owner and entrepreneur.   Eat more unprocessed “real” food to improve your energy, prevent sugar crashes, and elevate your life.  

#6. Get Better Sleep

You might have a habit of burning the midnight oil and then rising before the sun for early morning meetings or last-minute deadlines, but healthy entrepreneurs need ample sleep. It is vital to success.  Whether you rise early or prefer the night owl grind, find a consistent sleep routine and stick with it. Plus, don’t underestimate the power of a good power nap midday to recharge your brain!  

#7. Create Balance

Treat your overall health and wellbeing as a lifestyle. You can’t put a patch on a bad business plan, just like you can’t eat healthy for a week and expect to reach your weight loss goals. Success doesn’t happen overnight, and healthy entrepreneurs embrace healthful living and create balance in their lives to prevent burnout. They work smarter, not harder.

Allow yourself to recharge, set adequate work/life boundaries, and spend time with the people who bring out the best in you. P.s. Don’t be afraid to delegate! When you passionately pursue your business goals and your health simultaneously, you can lead a happier and more fulfilled life.  

Press play and go slay with these tunes > Luck be a Lady(boss) Work Playlist

Achieve Your Business Goals with Charisma

We know how much you have on your plate as a business owner or entrepreneur. We’re here to help! From content writing and email marketing to revamping your company website or creating an SEO strategy, our team at Charisma Communications is here to help you reach your goals!  

Free up time and delegate your marketing tasks to us! Contact Charisma today for a marketing consultation!